
दुनिया पर आतंकवाद का साया

  कल 26/08/2021 काबुल मे 2 धमाके हुए , जिसमे 170  से ज्यादा लोगो की  जान गयी और 200  से ज्यादा घायल हुए , जिनमे...

A Piece of Pie

A small village in Florence, in Italy, was covered in snow. The spirit of Christmas filled the air. Schools were closed. Chocolates and stars,...

Shy Amit

Amit was truly very innocent and humble. He was as shy as a fawn. At some point he was invited over for dinner by...

Ms. Pussy in Trouble

Ms. Pussy was a wicked old cat. She never meant well for anybody. In an adjoining farm, Mrs. Rooster had laid eggs. One day while...

सोने का खेत

अकबर के महल में कई कीमती सजावट की वस्तुएं थीं, लेकिन एक गुलदस्ते से अकबर को खास लगाव था। इस गुलदस्ते को अकबर हमेशा...

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