Everybody knows that, Akshay Kumar is a super star of Bollywood industries, he have millions of fans all around the world. Here we sharing you 10 rocking pictures of Akhshay Kumar with 10 facts of ...
We heard that Pakistan supporting to terrorist groups, even India lots of time submitted dossier with prove, but every time Pakistan denied the allegation. But this time Pakistan exposed on Afghanistan issue, Pakistan directly support ...
Here I sharing you beautiful romantic pictures with romantic quote, which are make you feel love and romance. In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours. In all the world, there ...
Baarish – The Rain is a nature based video with poem, Video shoot at Rangat, Andaman & Nicobar Islands during the rainy season, In this video English poem author is s Arun Kumar, and Hindi ...
कल 26/08/2021 काबुल मे 2 धमाके हुए , जिसमे 170 से ज्यादा लोगो की जान गयी और 200 से ज्यादा घायल हुए , जिनमे अमेरीका के 13 मरीन कमांडो भी शहीद हुए , इस ...
This video made as tease on corruption, you can see that some peoples doing corruption like they don’t have any fear of law, and while anybody try to expose them through social network, they making ...
Image Sources : https://www.indiatvnews.com If you want to know, what is terror? Just watch latest situation of Afghanistan. One terrorist group captured all over the country, government and army can’t stop them, looks like it’s ...
ऐसा लगता हौ कि आज कल के दौर मे भारत के प्रधानमत्रीं को गाली देकर अपनी झुन्झलाहट को प्रकट करने का सबसे असान तरिका बन गया है। आए दीन कोइ न कोइ किसी सोसल ...
आपने सुना होगा की राहुल गान्धी जी केरल मे जाकर अप्ने भाशन मे कहते है कि दक्षिन भारत के लोगो मे उत्तरी भारत के लोगो के अपेक्षा ज्यदा मुद्दो कि जानकारी है। राहुल जी वही ...
Amit was truly very innocent and humble. He was as shy as a fawn. At some point he was invited over for dinner by his elder brother. Amit left home after breakfast and made the ...